
Hey everyone! I made one post on social media early last week and then I went silent. I didn’t know what to say. I had too much to say. I was taking it all in, having conversations, and really trying to learn before I flooded the interwebs with even more about this issue.

First, let me start with the most important thing, BLACK LIVES MATTER! In my own little bubble that I live in I did not pay attention to the real difficulties and struggles that black people face every day. I knew they were there, I didn’t like that they were there, but I was not doing anything to change that. I grew up in a family of volunteer firefighter/ems parents who led by example that when someone needs your help, you go! You drop whatever you’re doing and you go help another person. Right now black people are asking for help! Help to just enforce the basic human rights that every person deserves! So, please, lets answer the call and drop what we’re doing to help make our country (and the world) a better place for everyone that lives here!

What are the answers? What do we need to do? Lol we all know that’s a looooong list and I am NOT going to pretend to have all of the answers. It’s a complex issue that needs complex solutions. We need our police officers, but more importantly we need proper screening, education, and disciplinary measures for our police force. We need better community outreach and education so everyone has the opportunity to create a better life for themselves, but also has the resources to help when they’re struggling. But I think most of all is that we all need to look at ourselves right now.

We have all made mistakes and we are going to continue to make mistakes in our lives. A strong person will admit they have made a mistake, learn from it, and then change to make sure they don’t make the same mistake again. It’s okay to admit you have been biased or racist! I have not made an effort for my portfolio to reflect my beliefs that I photograph all races and that might have led people to believe that I don’t. I am sorry for that! I am going to do better!

When I was a kid and we were on roadtrips or even just driving around in Wisconsin I would look out the window and see houses and I would always imagine what it would be like to live there. In that house, in that town, in that state. Sometimes I would think that “oh, what a fun life” or “wow, no way!” Lol sorry, Nebraska ;) But I think this is a simple exercise we should all do even as adults! One thing I keep thinking about is how just in general we could use more empathy, respect, and kindness! I don’t know how or why but it seems like people just get so entrenched in to their worlds and their beliefs that they can’t even fathom the idea that they could be wrong, that they can help someone for no reason, and that we all need each other and the world really is bigger than just their lives. When was the last time you got your news from a variety of credible news sources including those from the “other party?” When was the last time you tried to put yourself in someone else’s shoes? When was the last time you had a calm discussion with a person that was different from you where you politely listened to them instead of just talking over them trying to prove that only you are right?

One thing that really stood out to me over the last week is just how much hate and anger people seem to have and honestly I don’t understand why. Life is hard enough as it is, why do we need to make it harder by spreading hate and anger? It also seems to be getting harder in general to have conversations with one another that are not only thoughtful but open-minded! That’s why my hope is that we can all just take a deep breath, realize that there are some very serious problems in our country that need to be fixed, and understand that while we may never get it 100% right that we still need to take steps towards that.

I’m sorry for rambling a bit and jumping around on topics, but there has just been so much on my mind that I wanted to share! I want to change and do better, I hope you do as well :)