When thinking about what I wanted to blog about this week I knew it was going to be a crazy week for me. This weekend is the Explore North Workshop which is the very first workshop I have ever planned and hosted. That being said, I thought it would be nice to just take a little breather and have just a little time for reflection.

With all of the final details and busyness of every day life you can easily forget why you're doing something in the first place. You put in countless hours, sleepless nights, elevated levels of stress, and then you get to the big event and forget the reason behind it. This can happen with any work project, but unfortunately I see it happen all too often with my wedding clients as well.

That's why today, just a couple days before we head to the Northwoods of Wisconsin, I want to remind myself why I've been working so hard on this new project. I love helping others, creating a community, teaching, exploring, and most importantly sharing in a unique and valuable experience with others. April, Shaunae, and I have poured everything into this workshop so we can create the best experience possible for all of the wonderful photographers coming and I can't tell you how excited I am to see everything come together!!

I wanted to take this week to remind myself, but to also encourage you to do the same! If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed with your wedding plans, just remember to take a step back, take a deep breath, and just remember why you're doing all of this work. It may be stressful now, but it'll all be worth it in the end :)